
About VabsMed

From inception, VabsMed have been established as a leading medical equipment and  supplies company in Africa through outstanding reliability and customer service delivery. 

Competencies have got us exclusive distribution rights to some medical brands. This has enabled us to negotiate extremely competitive prices with our suppliers enabling you to enjoy a quality product at the best possible price. Our mission is clear: To be your favourite service provider in all scientific health care products.

Our Vision

To procure, and supply medical equipments at the shortest time possible for the most competitive price meeting best quality and standard

Our Promise

*Provide The Best Solution.
*Adapt With People's Needs.
*Profitable Relationship.

Our Mission

Our Mission Our mission is to be the one-stop-shop for the procurement and supplies of any kind of medical and healthcare equipment, as well as remain the sought after Medical and Healthcare projects management consultancy firm in Nigeria and beyond.

Our SErvices

VabsMed Ltd. Brings to medical industry  that extra touch by not only providing quality medical products and services but also updating our clients with the most recent advances in medical technology for optimal performance. This extra touch defines our commitment to bring novel technological solutions to your doorstep. Our services to Hospitals, Tertiary Institution, Laboratories, and health professionals include: